I could not believe that I just removed a catheter from a male patient today >.< I told myself to focus and not to think about others. The RN told me to remove it quick but not that quick. So I pulled the tube according to what I thought is not-so-quick. I did not expect the tubing to be so long, and I kind of slow down when it reached a certain length. So the RN gave me a hand to pull 'a little bit' faster and the patient's reaction was... embarrassing I guess. I was quite shocked when the whole catheter was pulled out. Gosh! It was about 20cm long! Just imagine how would it feel when a 20cm long tube is inserted into your urethra. Pain~~~
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Yea, just handed up my last assignment on Friday. Now, left with one more exam and it is holiday~~~ woot woot~~~ FYI, my paper is on the 13th of Nov. However, I will not be back until end of Dec, due to some reasons.
And here's some pictures when I was back in Malaysia for CK & Ying's wedding. my house has change to greenish yellow =='''
couldn't recognize when i reached.
and this time, i remembered to take pictures with my dears =) dear #1
dear #2
n dear #3
but... i forgot to say bye bye to them =(
and cam-whoring with my hp me, teng & chee hin
yun hui, me & chee fong
me & teng
yun hui & i on wedding day
after sunday's dinner
Now, more higher quality pictures taken with a digital camera =)
For more pictures, go to my yahoo photo.
Posted by suetz @ Sunday, October 29, 2006 0 milked
Thursday, October 19, 2006
i need to focus, focus and focus. don't think too much about other stuffs la... come on, due date is next week, you don't have much time left k... please leave other matters after assignment, nothing is more important that for the moment! and stop msn-ing! shoo me off if any of you see me online before 27/10. rrgghhhh~~~
im having a roller-coaster emotion these days. feeling sleepy, 'mengamuk', and hyper in between 3 hours... pms? could be...
Posted by suetz @ Thursday, October 19, 2006 0 milked
Friday, October 06, 2006
Happy Mooncake Festival
This is the first mooncake festival I am not celebrating with my family. I am so sad now... I've been celebrating this festival with my family for 19 years. From this year onwards, I will not be able to celebrate with them and I do not know when is the next time I can do that. I miss having dinner with my aunties, uncles and three of my little cousins. Well, not so little now but they are always little to me. They must be enjoying their dinner now, all the foods that are cook by my mom n aunties. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲... I can really feel that now.
Posted by suetz @ Friday, October 06, 2006 0 milked
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Count down
8 more days to go and I will be home~~~
BUT, I lose weight again... yes. I need to gain weight in 8 days in order to wear the dress I've bought and mom bought. Argh... and my nails are cracking! crap! I've never had such a bad nails condition before. I am always proud that I have nice finger nails although my fingers doesn't. But for now they are cracking so badly that I just feel like chopping everything off!!! @$#%#*&
Posted by suetz @ Wednesday, October 04, 2006 0 milked
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Im in good mood =)
Hello peeps! Have not been blogging for a quite a long time. How is everyone?
Life has been great here. I am quite happy these days. Why? 1) I just got a part time job as a waitress in a Malaysian restaurant. Yeap, my first time working and I was so excited when I receive my pay. Not very high pay but it is good enough to make me happy. 2) I just submitted my first assignment on last Friday. I think I did O-K. 3) I went for a camp in Yorke Peninsula, it is a country side. A great place to relax and staying away from the city. I will talk more about it in my next post together with some pictures. Stay tune =P 4) Royal Adelaide Show has just begun on last Friday. It is like a fun fair with lots of rides(of course) and many other stuffs like animals? hehe. 5) And lastly, mid-semester break is just around the corner! Though I may not be traveling everywhere, but I can have more sleeps! And it also means that it is nearer to the date I am flying back for Ying's wedding!!!
Ok, that is all for this time, got to go for class now. =)
Posted by suetz @ Wednesday, September 06, 2006 0 milked
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
SBS's "Anatomy for beginners"
This show is so cool! I watched it yesterday night, finally. It has four series but I kept forgetting to watch it for the past three series which were talking about movement, circulation and digestion. It was a live public autopsy. Yeap! They used real dead bodies for this show. Yesterday's was the last and most interesting because it was on reproduction! muahahaha! =="' There were 24 real models, 2 dead 2 alive. 2 males and 2 females and they were all naked except for the dead bodies were covered by cloth. Before the presenter disected the "fresher" bodies, he showed the audience another dried body and he said:"look at this, I've cut this gentleman into half..." @_@ even the penis was cut into half. If you think this is gross, then you are not suitable to watch this show because is even more gross when he disected the "fresher" bodies especially for the male's. I think I am going to buy the dvd since I missed the first 3 parts. Anyone interested? =P
Posted by suetz @ Tuesday, August 08, 2006 0 milked
Monday, August 07, 2006
another week...
It is week 3 of semester 2. Got to start doing with assignment really soon which is going to due on week 6. Less than 3 weeks for 2000words. +_+ I know it is very little compared to hx's... but I just hate writing. Hopefully I can finish it on time. Hopefully I can get a distinction for it =P Did I asked for too much? Nevermind, credit will do. hehe... But the thing is I still have not made up my mind on which topic to do yet. Temperature? Blood pressure? Fluid balance chart? Manual handling? Use of restraints? or sub-cutaneous injection? >.<
Posted by suetz @ Monday, August 07, 2006 0 milked
Monday, July 24, 2006
the beginning of semester 2
Can't believe that I am here for >5 months already. Classes resume today, everything is back to normal again. Stress~~~ I've got homework even before classes started. Ish... I am still in holiday mood. Cannot concentrate on my homework now, how?
Posted by suetz @ Monday, July 24, 2006 0 milked
Monday, June 26, 2006
It's over...
YEA! Finally exam is over and I had handed in all assignments! I am glad that everything is over... although I still have not gotten back the result for the other two topics. Got back one of my assigments(the one which I had the least time to do) the other day and I could not believe that I actually got a HD for that paper! I was so happy when I got it back and I laughed until I sounded as if i was crying(my mom said that). I had not been getting over 80 for ages, since F4 if I am not wrong. It is like a miracle! One thing I must say is, my tutor was very linean. I hope I can get a good grade for the last paper too since it was an easy one.
I guess I will never take coffee for quite some time. When I smell coffee, I smell exam and assignments. I had been drinking so many coffee when I was doing assignments and preparing for exam.
We were allowed to bring 4 sheets(double-sided) of notes into the exam hall. I did not know what to write because this was the first time I was allowed to bring in notes. So I decided to write EVERYTHING in except those that I've already knew. This means that I had to squeeze 20 lecture notes in 4 sheets of paper with tiny writings. Anyway, I only used 5 and half sides of of paper because I wrote too small. So I did not know what else to write and my hand sored.
We were saying that we should sell them to the 1st year, 1st semester students next semester. So they do not need to do their own notes and tell them that we got high distinction because of these notes. haha!
Posted by suetz @ Monday, June 26, 2006 0 milked
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Just a lil' updates
27th May 2006
Went to Victor Habour under a trip organised by FISA. Thought that I could meet more people but not many went though, only three vans. Anyway, the scenery on the way to Victor Habour was really nice. Tried to capture them with camera, but...... takda skill. So the photos turned out were not as nice as what they actually are. We had to walk to another island through a bridge to see penguins. We weren't allow to take picture with flash as it will blind them for quite a while. I gave up taking penguin pics after I tried a few because my sister's camera cannot take good picture(night) without flash.
2nd June 2006
Steambot and "extended" version monopoly in Salina's house to celebrate Carmen's 21th birthday.yummy!
Look at the monopoly, we joined the World Cup version and Disney Version together. Cool eh?
Posted by suetz @ Tuesday, June 06, 2006 0 milked
Thursday, May 25, 2006
28/04/06 - Friday
Here, I had my first birthday celebration in Adelaide. Thanks to my sister and her friends. They are one bunch of nice + funny people. It was actually a joint birthday celebration because Kevin's 21st birthday was on the 27th.
L: happy birthday to you~~~
R: happy birthday to me~~~
L: blow...
R: again...
L: once more...
R: aiks~~~ light again
L: no more pleeaassseeeee...
R: oh no... = ='"
L&R: group photo is a must!
30/04/06 - Sunday
Went to kakak's house for lunch. We made epok-epok again!
L: epok-epok = curry puff in singapore
R: kakak's kid were waiting for the cake
L&R: sharon, gerald, mi long, kakak and her children
L: look at the date... just nice =P
R: ain't they lovely?
Thanks for the cards(chai kun, elane and wen teng)... They are so lovely! muacks(x100000......)!
Thanks for the 2 calls from far far away(you know who you are). I'm so touched!
Thanks for the SMSes, songs dedicated for me, friendster messages and testimonials. You guys actually remembered my birthday!
Thanks for all sorts of other messages.
You made my day. =)
Just want to say that although these are just little messages but they mean a lot to me. Really, especially when I am away from home now. I really miss you guys a lot.
clinical placement
I've just started my first clinical placement on 16th May. I am the first batch of Flinders' first year student doing placement at Royal Adelaide Hospital. I chose to do the morning shift on the first day, so it made me the first first year student of Flinders at ward Q6, RAH in 2006. What an honour. haha! @_@
On the first day, nothing much for me to do(am still) because we have not learn much in uni. Basically what I did was bed making, observing the staff nurse, taking temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure. I also help an enrolled nurse sponging a woman who could not get down from the bed. Sponging=bathing on the bed, with soap. I NEARLY had to sponge a man who is in his late 30. Phew~~~ He refused it because he was quite depress at that time, luckily. I know it is normal for a nurse but I am still not prepared. Somemore it was my first placement. Anyway, yesterday was my third placement and I showered two old ladies. Have not gotten a chance to sponge or shower a man yet. hahaha! >.<
I still have somemore to blog but I cannot remember what are they.
Posted by suetz @ Thursday, May 25, 2006 0 milked
Monday, May 22, 2006
Done with assignments?
I've just submitted two assignments last Friday. One at 4pm, another one at 6pm. Although it seems like everything is over, no more stressful assignments, but I am not happy. I did not well on my assignments. My conclusion was not concise for the first assignment, I could have done a better one. I did not have enough time to finish my last assignment. I had to left out my last point and jump to conclusion when the stupid library announced that they are closing in half and hour time, and printing is only available for another 15 minutes. DARN! This stupid announcement made me so nervous until I could not think of anything to write as conclusion. I was supposed to write around 1500 words for that essay, so in the end I had only about 1000++ words. I can just see my marks fly away infront of me. Anyway, luckily kak was there to help me out. Wait, supposed to be us. Without her help, me and Sharon will be in "deep shit". Sharon's case was worse than mine. She came to the library at 4pm to continue with her essay. When she connected her thumbdrive to the computer, she realised that she did not save her work in it. So, kakak offered to send her back to get it. The moment she grabbed her bag, she remembered she left her keys at home. Finally, she get to contact with her housemate who is studying in the main campus to get the key. So, kakak drove her to the main campus, then home and then back to the library. In the end, both of us handed in our "not-so-complete" assignment at 5:57pm. After handed in them, I just realised that the bus I was suppose to take will leave at 5:58pm. By the time I reached the station, the bus would have gone and the next bus was at 8pm. Luckily kakak has not left yet. Phew~~~ So she dropped me and Sharon down at the main road since there are more buses there. When we were in the bus, both of us looked so miserable. Still could not believe that we handed in such a lousy work. And so coincident, Sharon's phone had no more credits, my phone had more battery and we were starving. So now, can understand why I am still not happy? Oh ya, and because of these assignments, I broke my record for sleeping not more than 3 hours in 36 hours.
Posted by suetz @ Monday, May 22, 2006 0 milked
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
gary chaw
these are so funny...lol! *laughing my head off*
and this is sooooo cool!
Posted by suetz @ Wednesday, May 10, 2006 0 milked
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Exams are better than assignments, at least that is what I think...
"It's taking me forever to get it done!"
arghh... me too! It is the critical review assignment. I am so slow =( I have to spend the whole night just to finish a few paragraph. I got no idea what I am supposed to write, I do not know how to critique the article. This is so difficult! I prefer having exams rather than doing assignments. I am not the type that prefer course work. I want exam! Yes... I want...
p/s: I'll update other "happenings" after I'm clear with my assignmentSSS which is like 2-3 weeks later... so till then!
Posted by suetz @ Thursday, May 04, 2006 0 milked
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Found out that there is no hot water supply this afternoon when I woke up. At first we thought that only our unit has this problem but later on we found out that is actually the whole UniHouse building does not have hot water. Jing told me that we will have it until monday because she saw one of the person incharge when she was on the way to the gym(and bathe). Then later on, when I was going to the library, the notice of not having hot water throughout the weekend was already up on the notice board in the lift. Ishh... how to survive with no hot water in kind of weather? Everyday is like 12c-20c and the water is super cold. But luckily we still have some friends staying around otherwise I think I'll just freeze to death when bathing. So thank you Siew Yan!!!
Posted by suetz @ Sunday, April 23, 2006 0 milked
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
I am so lazy~~~
So what did I do when I am supposed to study? Lets see... Was "supposed" to go library most of the days after dinner but it closed at 8pm during the break. So no more night time study. The first few days, I did not want to study because I thought I should rest first since I have two weeks break. First day, went kbox followed by dinner with Jaclyn, Erika and Emily. Days later, "supposed" to study after dim sum with Jing's friend but end up we went for Ice Age 2 together.(It is FUNNY!!! I like the part when Sid was sleep talking, looks like Teng! wahahhaha!)By the time we finished the movie, it was already time for dinner >.< Then the next day, went to shop groceries and foods with Jing because I invited Siew Yan over for dinner. Other times were spent yakking with Jing, eating, sleeping(since it was raining whole day), online-ing...
Two weeks of mid-semester break is going to end soon. Five more days left and I'd only touched my books once. How???
Posted by suetz @ Tuesday, April 18, 2006 0 milked
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
it's cool!
Jing n I went to Adelaide Zoo and Port Adelaide on last Saturday. Yea, Zoo... hehhe to see koalas and kangaroos(yeong ru~~~ =p) .Then Port Adelaide in the afternoon, went on this cruise to see dolphins. Only saw a few, not very clear.
look the wallaby, it's drinking water from that drinking fountain.
me n the koalas. all sleeping...
little penguins!
timon and pumba~~~ timon and pumba~~~ opps... where's pumba?
look at it's hand. 木枝托腮... lol~~~
that's the cruise we went on.
Next! It's The Peoples' Potrait at Rundle Mall!
visit these sites if you wanna know more about it:
and here
Posted by suetz @ Wednesday, March 15, 2006 0 milked
Saturday, March 04, 2006
so many things to do
It's only the first week of uni and there're already so many readings that I had to do them over this weekends and also my so-called two free days(Tuesday and Wednesday) next week which we had to clear them for clinical placement.
I hate waking up early in the morning and I have to catch the bus to uni. The worst thing is if you don't get a seat the second you get into the bus, that means you'll have to stand and keep swinging for the next 30 minutes. Same thing for coming back from uni and my books are so heavy, the anatomy and physiology book is about 4kg, it's the heaviest. And there are some more books like study plans and readings... *Ughh*
I'm still so scared of public speaking. I can feel my heart pumping so hard when I was waiting for my turn to speak >.< Hopefully it will get better after I do more presentations and also attending more of"communicating therapeutically" classes.
Looking at the contents of one of my topics - Fundamental of Science, I think that A-Levels Biology really helps me a lot. Degree in Nursing is not that easy as what most of the people think. It is much more difficult than those Diploma or Certificate in Nursing which you can do from private hospitals like Assunta, SJMC...etc... Nursing students actually have to buy nurses scissors(didn't know there's such thing until I read about it), digital thermometer and also stethoscope. Yeap, stethoscope. Cool eh? The digital thermometer and stethoscope, they are actually selling them in different colours and there is purple! I'm going get!!! haha!
Posted by suetz @ Saturday, March 04, 2006 0 milked
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
classes started
It was my mistake saying that Flinders Uni has only 6 carparks. It actually has 20! But some of them can only hold about 50 cars. According to a pamphlet I got, it says that the uni(carparks) can hold >4,500 cars! So big huh...
I know I have to do clinical placement if I'm doing a nursing degree but I didn't know I have to do it even I'm in 1st year, 1st semester. Anyway, it will only starts from week 10 to week 12, which is around May/June. It has 2 shifts, 7:30am-3:00pm and 2:00pm-10:30pm. I still don't know which shift I'll get. Hopefully is the night shift because I don't want to wake up early in the morning, during winter some more. I don't want to fail because of my blurness in the morning.
Posted by suetz @ Wednesday, March 01, 2006 0 milked
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
20th Feb 2006
Oh my... I didn't know Flinders Uni is so huge! It has 3/4 bus stations in the uni itself(I'm taking bus to the uni), luckily public bus can enter the uni compound, otherwise... I'll be more TINY. The uni also has its own loop bus running around the uni compound. It has 6 car parks, each can roughly fits 200 cars. There's a lake on top of the hill, and you can see a nice, wide seaview from there.
can u see the horizon?
I was actually pointing at the sea but my thumb was missing >.<
And that's the lake.
YOu can always see wild ducks or goose or whatever it is around the lake... but erm... maybe not in this pic. They are too shy to take photos... =P
Posted by suetz @ Tuesday, February 21, 2006 0 milked