Thursday, March 31, 2005


currently: having AS trial... X_X tomorrow is my first practical test, ahhhhhhh!!!!!! i'm so so so scared......don't give me those lungs slaids, I'll faint on the spot, and the physio part, pray hard that food tests will coming out... oh pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...

And, JJ's new album is coming out tomorrow! woot~ finally..... waited for so long, wait until my neck also long already...

so now, I'm hoping today will end later, so I have more time to prepare for my bio practical. On the other hand, I'm looking forward for tomorrow, I want to listen to JJ's new songs. Ahh... what is this man...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Yay! Mr Mario Max is back!

Oh ya, I'm broke...... x_x ..... $$$, I need more $$$......

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


嘻嘻... 林俊杰的<<天使心>>还真的很管用哦! 今天的心情真的好多了!可能昨晚天使真的是来过吧! 心情好了,胃口自然也好. 午餐,吃了一份大份的麦香鸡+一杯McFlurry. 我自己一个人吃完喔!就好像接力赛一样, 吃完汉堡, 吃薯條, 再吃雪糕, 再把汽水喝完. 虽然对某些人没什么大不了, 可是对我来说呢, 已经是很了不起了. 换做是平常的我, 一份中餐已经很饱了, 汽水还要带着走呢!

"......甚至一些大家都通常无法顺利过关的过渡期. 过渡期是一个很可怕的经历, 就是当你和朋友忽然发现对方原来不是完美的时候, 发现对方的缺点为何一夜之间都被放大得如此触目惊心的时候.
那是一个可怕的考验, 因为你会忽然朋友的一个微不足道的小动作, 一句无心的笑话, 甚至已经习以为常的口臭. 好笑吧. 很多人在过渡期的时候, 两个曾经形影不离的好朋友就这样渐行渐远了, 很可惜......" -陈颖见-

我想我现在所经历的, 就是所谓的过渡期吧!
心情好了点, 头脑也比较清醒. 无论事情有多艰苦, 总有熬得过的一天. 所谓"山重水复疑无路, 柳暗花明有一村." 对不对? 我想我是熬得过去的. 我仍然想做回笨的我, 我需要朋友, 我爱我的朋友. 我想, 笨, 还是会有好处吧!

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005




在自己网页, 道出内心世界, 有错也?

上篇稿, 有者误以为影射着他, 孰不知其实另有其人. 虽有点不爽, 但我同情他处境, 没怪他. 可他怎没弄清真相, 就诬告我在这乞怜? 乞求怜悯, 这字眼也未免太伤人了吧? 这可是我网上日记耶, 没发言自由? 须向他人交代? 拒绝留言问候, 是因我只想独自解决, 不想劳烦他人, 绝无其它用意.

使用半古半今之华语, 只因不想让那会老外语, 对华语有少许了解的朋友阅到. 免得又引起误会, 又说我博取同情... 除非他找人做翻译吧!

唉... 我真是受不住了. 老天爷呀! 为什么人生总有那么多波折? 就是要有风风雨雨, 不能只有风平浪静吗?

算了, 去听林俊杰的<<天使心>>去吧!
天使呀! 拿走我所有的心事吧!


看妳在闹 看妳在笑 看妳的眼泪在掉 听你在深夜里祈祷
看妳在忙 看你偷懒 看你对天空吶喊 听妳说妳很烦
我可以飞 我不会累 我擦过妳的眼泪 妳却从来没见过我
我发着光 白色的光 曾掠过妳的脸庞 我懂妳的心事
当妳碰到任何困难 我会守在一旁 带你越过每一座山
世界总有光明黑暗 至少有我做伴 就让我陪妳到天亮
人心冷漠让妳绝望 妳有我在身旁 不用到处寻找希望
我这里是 安全地带 配合妳的生活节拍 别怀疑有我的存在
妳闭上眼 临睡以前 我就会在妳耳边 拿走妳的心事
Baby 我是妳的 Angel

Monday, March 14, 2005


Call me narrow-minded, I don't care. I don't care who is reading this post, whether you like it or not, it is my blog. Continue reading if you think you can take it, otherwise please leave.

After so many incidents, I'm not sure whether I should still take friendship so seriously in my life or not. Is it worth it? I ask myself. I don't know. I love my friends and I take friendship as another important relationship after my family. Ok, maybe is not like I have sacrify my life or something very important on them. But what about the time I spent, my efforts to make sure everyone is still keep in touch? Did anyone appreciate it? or am I just being a busybody for doing all these 'unnecessary' things? What do I get in return? Care? They just act like, whatever, it's your thing, i don't care, I didn't force you to do it. For instance, when there's a reunion party, not matter for primary or secondary school, they tend to give lots of excuses for not coming. Like, I'm very tired, very lazy, don't feel like going, no transport(where they actually have), parents don't allow(where they actually go out nearly every weekends), I have to go to churh/temple(can't you just miss ONCE for the sake of seeing your friends whom you have not seen them for years? not even ONCE?). Not everyone can go out so easily. Some people like me have to fight really hard with their parents to get a chance to meet up with friends.

Why am I so stubborn? Why didn't I learnt from the past? I'd try not to remember what happened last time because I told myself that they didn't do it on purpose. But why must similar things happen and happen again? Whether they did it intentionally or unintentionally, I don't know. All I know is, it hurts! I don't need messages, comments or calls for asking whether I'm alright or not. I don't need messages like friendship forever, pals forever... Do you really mean forever when you send this out? And I don't need your apologise. I want a true friendship! I want friends that treat friendship truely from their heart!

Okay, this is another emotional post. I need a place to shout out. I'm sorry for making my beloved sister, Jing worried about me. Yi cheh, please don't tell mom and ask me about this post. I'm not okay, this is what I can tell you now. But don't worry, I won't do stupid things. Just give me a few days to calm down myself. What I'll do next is to concentrate on my studies and get prepared for my AS trial.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Look at these chewing gums I bought from a shop near college. Aren't they cute?
Should I keep or eat them?

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I still can't do my maths...... ohh... someone please help me!!!

Monday, March 07, 2005

shame on you!

I'm a 100% pure chinese and I'm proud of it! Listening to chinese songs and speaking chinese is not a shame. English in not everything! "we are living in a multiracial society, so we have to mix around, listening to other songs, speaking other languages". I don't see you listening to either malay or tamil songs, do you? It's an excuse! It doesn't means we can leave out our own language. How come some chinese always ignore chinese who speaks chinese, and think they have higher standard than the others just because they speak english, not chinese? How can you call yourself a chinese if you can't read or even speak a single chinese word. You should be shame of yourself!

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