Wednesday, November 14, 2007

hmmm... i ranting again....

Finally, I have handed in all assignments! Phew~~~ what a relief...

my lifestyle was really upside down for the past whole week, work in the night and sleep during the day. >.< This is soooooo not good. Bad for health, I know. But I am going to get shift work when I get into the real working life anyway.

a big big big thank you to Sharon! I think you know what I mean yea? =P

OSCE was not as difficult as what we thought, it was double the difficulty! Although it was just a 20 minutes practical exam, but you can fail it in 1 second. That was what happened to my friends. I failed my 1st attempt by making stupid mistake, 84mls/hr and 84dpm. Careless me... I was really nervous too because the question was too easy that made you got no idea what kind of care you should provide to the "real patient" (yeap, we had real person acting as a patient and 1 examiner in the room). Apparently, as what the "patient" told my friend, not many people pass this senario because many of them did not know what to do. Anyway, I passed when I did my second attempt yesterday. Just gonna say that I was really lucky because the senario was clear and the examiner really did her role as "a RN in ward to help me". That was what the examiner supposed to do. They are suppose to act as a RN to guide us, not like the 1st examiner, just sat down there and watched. Hello?!? We are 2nd year students and we do not get to practice all these tasks in the ward! This is ridiculous. The uni should evaluate the OSCE's structure too. Rather than testing different students with different skills, I think they should make everyone doing the same task or they should have test us on all the skills, not just one. It is really unfair otherwise because everyone got tested on different skill.

It is time to study for final.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

series of unfortunate events

1. train to gawler central was delayed.
2. gawler was the 2nd last station and gawler central was the last station. the next train we took stopped halfway after it passed gawler. the driver came out and told us that he is going to bring us back to gawler. we have to wait for the next train if we want to go gawler central.
3. the next train coming from adelaide to gawler was delayed until the time was unknown. and so we had to walk to the hospital.
4. placement issue. poor friend.

time to sleep...

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