Thursday, August 14, 2008

blogging again, but i'm not emo this time

It's been a while since my last post.
Life has been great, couldn't have ask for more.
Uni is ok, last sem was alright, so I hope for the same for this sem too.
Work isn't that bad, I think I enjoy working in MINDA more than nursing homes. Topis with residents in nursing home always involve getting old and death. They always complain that they are getting weaker and all, which makes me feeling abit emo everytime after I finish work. But I know I've got no choice.
I'm no longer staying alone, I have a housemate now! ^^V renting a townhouse in the city and I have a balcony! I'm waiting for the arrival of spring so that I can sit there and have a cuppa! There's a slight change in lifestyle, got to get use to having another person in the house, got to remember to bring the bin out on a particular day because there's no more rubbish chute >.< sharing lots of things. No one is perfect, so I know we have tolerate each other.
It's been >5 months now, hope that everything will be fine in the future. =)
p/s: Hoc Mun, You're right, I think most of my inspiration for blogging come from emo-ness >.< What to do, I'm an emo person.

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