Sunday, November 27, 2005

24th nov 2005

Happy belated 19th birthday to Li Shawn!

6:30pm --- CAL Graduation Ball @ Holiday Villa, Subang.

As usual, the performances of this prom were boring. Live band from don't know where, hip-hop dance from college dance club and a few songs by Sharifah xxx from Malaysian Idol2. I guess the most highlighted event for that night was the crowning of prom king, well at least it was for our class because our dear classmate, Ganesha was nominated for prom king. So we had to cheer as loud as we can for him to beat the other nominees. We had to cheer for second round because the cheer for him and another guy who actually dares to wear a black suit with white short pants were merely the same. At the end, Ganesha won! Luckily, we cheered until most of us had sore throat, even my mentor also clapped her hands until it's red.

For prom queen, out of four nominees, two of them were korean and my support goes to jin seon, the prom queen. I believe that most of my classmates support her too. She looks gorgeous with her gown that night. However, we had no more energy to cheer for her. We just sat down to observe the supporters and I saw two female lecturers were screaming just like a student.

Here are some pictures,

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This is my fingers and toes with nail art + prom ticket

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Part of PM14 and my buddies

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With our Bio lecturer, Ms Ko and mentor+Chem lecturer, Pn Nurfaizah.

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With the CAL Prom King 2005 and Chew Yen.

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And lastly, the Petunians!

Monday, November 14, 2005

im not

being paranoid... No! I'm not! But seriously, I'm really worry about my exam. I know I shouldn't be blogging now. I should be studying in the library instead of blogging. But I can't seem to concentrate studying lately. This is the disadvantage of the exam for dragging so long. I lost my study mood and I really really really need it back, otherwise how am I going to get good result to enter the Uni that I want?

I really hope they'll send me another offer letter, an unconditonal offer.A conditional offer will just make me even more nervous about my exam, I feel more pressure. What take them so long? or is it my A2 forecast is not good enough?

"Stephen, I know you won't be reading this but I still want to thank you for getting my A2 forecast from the college!"

Talking about forecast, surprisingly my Bio and Maths teacher gave me a quite good forecast. Especially maths, I was so shock when I saw it in IDP. For Bio, the grade is just a lil' bit higher than what I'm expecting in real A2 result(maths' was way higher). They do motivate me to work harder. Thank you Ms Ko! Thank you Mrs Sukhdev!

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