Monday, November 14, 2005

im not

being paranoid... No! I'm not! But seriously, I'm really worry about my exam. I know I shouldn't be blogging now. I should be studying in the library instead of blogging. But I can't seem to concentrate studying lately. This is the disadvantage of the exam for dragging so long. I lost my study mood and I really really really need it back, otherwise how am I going to get good result to enter the Uni that I want?

I really hope they'll send me another offer letter, an unconditonal offer.A conditional offer will just make me even more nervous about my exam, I feel more pressure. What take them so long? or is it my A2 forecast is not good enough?

"Stephen, I know you won't be reading this but I still want to thank you for getting my A2 forecast from the college!"

Talking about forecast, surprisingly my Bio and Maths teacher gave me a quite good forecast. Especially maths, I was so shock when I saw it in IDP. For Bio, the grade is just a lil' bit higher than what I'm expecting in real A2 result(maths' was way higher). They do motivate me to work harder. Thank you Ms Ko! Thank you Mrs Sukhdev!

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