Saturday, March 04, 2006

so many things to do

It's only the first week of uni and there're already so many readings that I had to do them over this weekends and also my so-called two free days(Tuesday and Wednesday) next week which we had to clear them for clinical placement.

I hate waking up early in the morning and I have to catch the bus to uni. The worst thing is if you don't get a seat the second you get into the bus, that means you'll have to stand and keep swinging for the next 30 minutes. Same thing for coming back from uni and my books are so heavy, the anatomy and physiology book is about 4kg, it's the heaviest. And there are some more books like study plans and readings... *Ughh*

I'm still so scared of public speaking. I can feel my heart pumping so hard when I was waiting for my turn to speak >.< Hopefully it will get better after I do more presentations and also attending more of"communicating therapeutically" classes.

Looking at the contents of one of my topics - Fundamental of Science, I think that A-Levels Biology really helps me a lot. Degree in Nursing is not that easy as what most of the people think. It is much more difficult than those Diploma or Certificate in Nursing which you can do from private hospitals like Assunta, SJMC...etc... Nursing students actually have to buy nurses scissors(didn't know there's such thing until I read about it), digital thermometer and also stethoscope. Yeap, stethoscope. Cool eh? The digital thermometer and stethoscope, they are actually selling them in different colours and there is purple! I'm going get!!! haha!

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