Saturday, September 10, 2005

Half-Blood Prince

Finally, I had finished reading the book 6 of Harry Potter series. I started reading it on monday and finished it yesterday, slow huh... Sandy finished it in one day, on the day itself when the book released. She started at 11+ in morning and finish around 12 at night. ~12hrs... fuiyoh... i really "pui fok" her. I prefer Order fo Pheonix than this book. Like what Hoi said, this book is not that "chi gik", especially the first few chapters(I fell asleep halfway reading it). Anyway, there's one part that I really like it. It was when Harry was assisting Dumbledore swimming back to the bank, he told Dumbledore not to worry because he can apparate both of them back to hogsmeade. Then the weak Dumbledore replied, "I am not worried, I am with you." Aww... so touching. And the ending was so sad, he died for nothing. After drinking the potion, what he got was a fake Horcruxe...

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