Friday, September 16, 2005


Today, Teng, mom and I went for lunch in paramount after fetching Teng from school. So as usual, after my mom park the car, while she is locking the car and stuff, I'll go to pay the parking fee. After that, when I walked back to the car, opened the door and placed the parking ticket on top of the dashboard, I realised that mom and Teng weren't in the car. I thought they probably standing somewhere around waiting for me. So I looked around searching for them but couldn't see them. Then I looked back into the empty car, still thinking where could they be. and wait! something is wrong with this car! oh no! this is not my mom's car! gosh~~~ it's just another CRV parking beside my mom's car. I quickly took back the parking ticket out and ran to my mom's car. I was wondering where was the owner of that car... How come no one stopped me, screamed or yelled or anything after I opened "my mom's" car door for more than 10 secs. I looked around to see if there's anyone looking at me. Then for sure that will be the owner of that car and I thought of saying sorry to that person. But I don't see anyone. *sigh* blur me... = ='"

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