Wednesday, June 08, 2005

quick update

Now Listening - I'm sorry BoA

I've got so many things to blog, but I'm so lazy to blog... @_@ Ok, just a brief one...

  • Just finished my last AS paper today-Chem 2. I'm so dumb, the paper was easy. Too easy until I couldn't do it = ='". How can 1 whole question just asking about reagents and conditions? and it worth 10 marks! Where are those chemical energetics, period 3, group 2&7, reaction kinetics, Kc & Kp, partial pressure questions??? where are those more complicated chapters where I studied really hard for it??? There goes my Chem paper...
  • AS ended today (for me), means tomorrow onwards, I can really enjoy my 2 weeks semester break before sem3 begins. It will be tougher, obviously...
  • A-Level prom is officially cancelled. Don't really mind that because I still have another semester to go before I finish my A-Level, save my money. We have really really lousy student council this year I have to say. Prom venue is in Holiday Villa(subang), nevermind, RM95 per ticket, n-e-v-e-r-m-i-n-d. And now it was forced to cancel because too few people are going, only 10 tables if I'm not wrong. Sigh~~~
  • Went red box. Sandy's voice was so loud until we can't hear our own voice when singing with her(there're 2 mics, for those who don't know). So we decided not to sing when she's singing and did background vocal after each sentence she sang(like ohhh~~, wooo~~, yeah~~ ...etc...), then only we can really hear our voice. It was so funny... Went for bowling after that, before game everyone was saying they don't know how to bowl, long time didn't bowl...etc... at the end of the game, everyone's scores was like 7,8,9,spares and even strikes! pro...... and the ball can seems to be rolling towards the "drain", everyone thought so too, then last minute it can suddenly rolled back to the centre and hit all the pins = ='"
  • And last but not least, To Wen Teng, Chai Kun, Yeong Ru, Elane and Swee Keng, Thank you for the lunch on last Tuesday, thank you very muchie...

I've somemore to blog but I can't remember what... hmmm...

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