Friday, July 09, 2004

it's weekend!

Finally, weekend has arrive... Hehe, it's only the first week of college and I'm looking forward for holidays so desperately. LoL! =P Why leh? Actually is not that college is not fun, I enjoy it instead. Actually is because I can catch up some sleep during weekends.zzZZzZZZzz I LOVE to SLeEpZZzZzZ... oink! oink! (..) Although classes start at 8am, yes, everyday 8am. But I still have to wake up at 6:30am, like last time during high school... Because of the stupid traffic jam at the "highway". They should name it "slowway" instead of "highway". None the cars can actually move in high speed. So MaNY cars!!! Come out from the house for 5 mins late also cannot. The num. of cars on the road are so much different.

Then, most of my classes end at 2pm, Thursday ends at 3pm. It will be worse 1 week later because my LAN subjects going to start on the 19th of July. So my Monday class will ends at 4pm and my "lunch break" at 9:50am-11:10am will be gone too. *sigh*... back from college still have to do homework. And at that time I'm already half dead @_@ I need more time for my homework! I need more time to zZz! Why is there only 24 hours in a day? Why can't it be errr... 30 hours in a day? Earth ar earth, why you spins so fast? Hehe... 30 hours, I'm so greedy... =P

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