Yea, just handed up my last assignment on Friday. Now, left with one more exam and it is holiday~~~ woot woot~~~ FYI, my paper is on the 13th of Nov. However, I will not be back until end of Dec, due to some reasons.
And here's some pictures when I was back in Malaysia for CK & Ying's wedding. my house has change to greenish yellow =='''
couldn't recognize when i reached.
and this time, i remembered to take pictures with my dears =) dear #1
dear #2
n dear #3
but... i forgot to say bye bye to them =(
and cam-whoring with my hp me, teng & chee hin
yun hui, me & chee fong
me & teng
yun hui & i on wedding day
after sunday's dinner
Now, more higher quality pictures taken with a digital camera =)
For more pictures, go to my yahoo photo.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Posted by suetz @ Sunday, October 29, 2006 0 milked
Thursday, October 19, 2006
i need to focus, focus and focus. don't think too much about other stuffs la... come on, due date is next week, you don't have much time left k... please leave other matters after assignment, nothing is more important that for the moment! and stop msn-ing! shoo me off if any of you see me online before 27/10. rrgghhhh~~~
im having a roller-coaster emotion these days. feeling sleepy, 'mengamuk', and hyper in between 3 hours... pms? could be...
Posted by suetz @ Thursday, October 19, 2006 0 milked
Friday, October 06, 2006
Happy Mooncake Festival
This is the first mooncake festival I am not celebrating with my family. I am so sad now... I've been celebrating this festival with my family for 19 years. From this year onwards, I will not be able to celebrate with them and I do not know when is the next time I can do that. I miss having dinner with my aunties, uncles and three of my little cousins. Well, not so little now but they are always little to me. They must be enjoying their dinner now, all the foods that are cook by my mom n aunties. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲... I can really feel that now.
Posted by suetz @ Friday, October 06, 2006 0 milked
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Count down
8 more days to go and I will be home~~~
BUT, I lose weight again... yes. I need to gain weight in 8 days in order to wear the dress I've bought and mom bought. Argh... and my nails are cracking! crap! I've never had such a bad nails condition before. I am always proud that I have nice finger nails although my fingers doesn't. But for now they are cracking so badly that I just feel like chopping everything off!!! @$#%#*&
Posted by suetz @ Wednesday, October 04, 2006 0 milked