Monday, July 11, 2005

Another birthday celebration

Happy 19th Birthday Young Shi!!!

Today is Young Shi's birthday. The chocolate mud cake from secret recipe was really nice! chocolate taste was very strong so it's worth it although it cost 62 Ringgit.

Took another maths test today, again, I know I'd failed it. Is either I failed, or I failed badly, or I failed really badly... @_@ I never hate maths for all these years until early this year which is the starting of A2 syllabus. I don't know whether it's the lecturer's problem or it's my problem. Probably is mine, I don't know. We'll see how later since I've just started my maths tuition. Some of you might be thinking I'm wasting my parents money for taking extra classes since I'm already paying few thousands for my course. But I really don't want to spoil my performance for maths. Maths was my best subject all this while eversince I started schooling, I don't want my last maths paper to ruin it. Just 1 more...

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