YEA! Finally exam is over and I had handed in all assignments! I am glad that everything is over... although I still have not gotten back the result for the other two topics. Got back one of my assigments(the one which I had the least time to do) the other day and I could not believe that I actually got a HD for that paper! I was so happy when I got it back and I laughed until I sounded as if i was crying(my mom said that). I had not been getting over 80 for ages, since F4 if I am not wrong. It is like a miracle! One thing I must say is, my tutor was very linean. I hope I can get a good grade for the last paper too since it was an easy one.
I guess I will never take coffee for quite some time. When I smell coffee, I smell exam and assignments. I had been drinking so many coffee when I was doing assignments and preparing for exam.
We were allowed to bring 4 sheets(double-sided) of notes into the exam hall. I did not know what to write because this was the first time I was allowed to bring in notes. So I decided to write EVERYTHING in except those that I've already knew. This means that I had to squeeze 20 lecture notes in 4 sheets of paper with tiny writings. Anyway, I only used 5 and half sides of of paper because I wrote too small. So I did not know what else to write and my hand sored.
We were saying that we should sell them to the 1st year, 1st semester students next semester. So they do not need to do their own notes and tell them that we got high distinction because of these notes. haha!
Monday, June 26, 2006
It's over...
Posted by suetz @ Monday, June 26, 2006 0 milked
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Just a lil' updates
27th May 2006
Went to Victor Habour under a trip organised by FISA. Thought that I could meet more people but not many went though, only three vans. Anyway, the scenery on the way to Victor Habour was really nice. Tried to capture them with camera, but...... takda skill. So the photos turned out were not as nice as what they actually are. We had to walk to another island through a bridge to see penguins. We weren't allow to take picture with flash as it will blind them for quite a while. I gave up taking penguin pics after I tried a few because my sister's camera cannot take good picture(night) without flash.
2nd June 2006
Steambot and "extended" version monopoly in Salina's house to celebrate Carmen's 21th birthday.yummy!
Look at the monopoly, we joined the World Cup version and Disney Version together. Cool eh?
Posted by suetz @ Tuesday, June 06, 2006 0 milked